Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The County Plan for Landfill

From the County of Kauai INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN New Subtitle D Landfill

Even if the County significantly reduces reliance on landfill disposal through upstream diversion activities such as green waste composting and a WTE facility, a new,Subtitle D landfill will still be required.

The role of this landfill will be to manage the ash and by-pass waste from the WTE facility. By-pass waste includes the noncombustible County-collected solid waste, construction and demolition debris and commercially-collected solid waste that can not be processed at the WTE facility(unprocessable Waste). Unprocessable waste is typically bulky items, such as large durables and white goods, and waste that can not be combusted, such as concrete.

In addition, if Kaua’i were to experience a significant man-made or natural disaster, the WTE facility (Section 1.5.3) may not be able to handle the significant increase in waste material or may not be able to operate because of energy limitations.

Therefore,to assure that adequate disposal capacity is available, the County will begin siting a new, Subtitle D landfill in YR 1 of the ISWMP to facilitate it being able to receive waste before the Kekaha Landfill is closed. Since a significant portion of disaster debris could be comprised of organic materials, the County will attempt to site the facility in close proximity of a composting facility.

Initially, a 5-acre lined landfill will be constructed. The initial cell will consist of one, 2-acre cell for separate disposal of ash and one, 3-acre cell for by-pass waste. Landfill expansions occur approximately every 5 years thereafter. The lined landfill area will expand to a total of 8 cells over 20 acres during the 20-year life of the facility. The total facility size, including a 500 foot buffer, is 86 acres
During the first year of operation, 2013, it is estimated that the new landfill will
receive approximately 9,000 tons of by-pass waste and 10,000 tons of ash. By 2018,
the end of the life for the first cells, it is estimated that the facility will receive 11,000 tons of by-pass waste and non-combustible construction and demolition waste, and 15,000 tons of ash.

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